
Quick start

Use the Sabil APIs in your Android app to manage user devices with ease.


  1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
    allprojects {     repositories {         ...         maven { url '' }     } }
  2. Add the dependency
    dependencies { implementation 'com.github.sabil-io:sabil-android-sdk:v2.0.11' }


  1. Configure the SDK as soon as your app launches.
    // REQUIREDSabil.configure(this, "<#client id#>")
  2. Attach the device to the user or identify the device without a user.
    // Set this as soon as the user ID is available and attach the device.Sabil.userId = "<#user id#>"Sabil.attach(supportFragmentManager) { Toast.makeText(this, "Attached. Device Id -> ${Sabil.deviceId}", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()}

    If the user can perform actions on your app without login, use the identify method instead. Both attach and identify accept metadata
    Sabil.identify { Log.d("Sabil", "Device identified. Identity: ${it?.identity}")}

    Ensure you call the attach or identify when the app enters the foreground state as well.
  3. (Optional) Implement the callbacks. These are useful depending on your use-case. For account sharing prevention, for example, you should implement the onCurrentDeviceLogout and onLimitExceeded callbacks.
    Sabil.onLogoutCurrentDevice = {   // logout the current device}Sabil.onLimitExceeded = {   // the user has too many devices using their account}